Easy Steps for Smooth Sailing


Property Inspections: Easy Steps for Smooth Sailing

Property inspections can be a daunting task for anyone engaging in property management. Rancho Cordova property owners may feel adrift at sea in the whole process of conducting them, either in-between tenants or while their property is occupied. Don’t get caught in the undertow! Take these easy steps to put some wind in your sails and make certain your property is safe and cared for, and that maintenance issues are being addressed.


Stick to the Schedule

Sacramento property management company, Real Property Management Select, suggests planning and scheduling quarterly or semi-annually inspections. Keep this schedule to ensure you are always appraised of the condition of your property. Also, be sure to get photos of your home before new tenants move in to keep a record of the starting condition. Sticking to the routine will help avoid some potential rough seas of property management. Rancho Cordova tenants are more likely to care for your property when they see you caring for it as well, so keep it up!


Communicate Your Intentions

At lease signing, make sure your tenants are aware of the inspection schedule you’ve decided on. This way, tenants will know what to expect ahead of time instead of being caught in a storm. Take it a step further and make reminder calls so tenants can prepare and even make a list for you of items they might need to be addressed. Good communication goes a long way towards smooth seas in Sacramento property management.


Assess and Evaluate


When performing your routine scheduled inspections, be sure to assess both the exterior and interior of your property for anything that may need maintenance, such as appliances, plumbing, electric, or any other systems. At this time, you can also discretely and respectfully make sure the tenant isn’t breaking any terms of your lease, such as smoking, the number of occupants, pets, and more. Sacramento property management company Real Property Management Select suggests addressing any issues regarding breaking terms of the lease after-the-fact and in writing, so there’s a record of what’s happened.

Property inspections can be intimidating, but they’re essential to keeping your investment afloat. Don’t let the stormy seas of property inspections keep you from sailing toward your dream of property management. Rancho Cordova owners can count on Real Property Management Select to navigate these waters with them and provide results with their proven process and experience. With Real Property Management Select, you’ll never end up on the rocks! Find out more today.